
who ate the hot dog buns?

most of the time we're good about putting away things in the fridge or microwave... i guess we used the microwave and forgot to put a package of hot dog buns back in the microwave... even though they were placed on top of the microwave, someone gracefully climbed up there and knocked them down to the floor...

if kolohe got to it, he would've been in one of his sick modes from ingesting plastic... and besides, he's too fat to get to the top of the microwave... the bag was also dragged about four feet across the floor... kolohe is not that persistent...

so.......... who else do we have as a suspect? hot dog bun bag was shredded... buns shredded... crumbs everywhere.... sounds like her...

1 comment:

  1. lols... we have a fatty dog mongrel to cleans up when we do that. We likes to push the fresh bakery bagels off the counter while the hoomans aren't lookings, then the dog comes and eats thems in two bites! Morning comes, the girl hooman goes lookings for her bagel for toastings. ALL GONES! we didnt do it, was the DOG!
